Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27

His Name Fits!

So I forgot that I said I would post this. I gave you a tiny explanation (click here to read) before he was born but not too much because of that fact that his name is so literal. I was afraid you'd guess ;)

Did you wonder "why Chase Journery"? Well here is our heart behind his name! I'd love to hear what you think, that is unless you hate it. haha.

What is in his name?
So what does his name mean? His name is pretty literal and you may be thinking it is somewhat of a “hippy” name, but here is our reason for naming him Chase Journey.

Choosing a boy’s name was a lot harder than we imagined. It actually took us until I was 6 months pregnant to finally decide what we would want to name a son, if we had one. (By that time, Ted already knew Chase was a boy, I did not.) We had chosen the middle name ‘Journey’ but could not find the perfect, meaningful name for a son.

We chose Journey for a few reasons. For one, Ted and I both had been on such a journey throughout our lives, both having had intense journey’s to get to where we are today. Our journey is unfolding beautifully and that is what we desire for our son. Which leads to our most important reason for the name ‘Journey’. We pray that he would pursue his journey with the utmost integrity, vision, passion and with his whole heart. A journey of becoming a man of integrity amidst the everyday struggles. The journey of humility, vision and of course, adventure. The journey to finding who he is in Christ.

When we came across the name ‘Chase’, I gasped. I asked Ted, “What do you think of Chase? Chase Journey?” He immediately loved it too. We both agreed. It was perfect for why we had chosen Journey. It fit. It was what we desired and it was us.

The definitions we love;
-to pursue with intent to capture, to follow in pursuit of (his journey)
-to follow or devote one's attention to (his journey)

-passage or progress from one stage to another

Chase’s birth was in fact, like his middle name, a Journey! At 9 days overdue, we had a 42 hour labor ending with a c-section and a healthy boy! Chase entered the world July 18th at 2:12am, at 8lbs 15oz 21in. We are so thankful for his safe arrival!

Chase has already captured our hearts and added such a unique dynamic to the Davis’ family. He is full of life and his personality is already shining through. What a joy! Our friends and family instantly fall in love with him and he has already brought us closer together.

Thus, Chase Journey!!!


Melissa said...

I absolutely love it... even more so now that I hear the meaning behind it! I'd write more,but Josiah's having a breakdown so I better go rescue daddy :)

Little Mrs Mason said...

I love it... Thank you so much for your heart...