Meaning I have 4 prego ladies all due before me. In fact, we are all due within 1 month 1/2 of each other. That's kind of the way things work around here at YWAM. Babies come in waves! People are always joking that "it's in the water" during certain seasons. (I actually know of 16 people who are pregnant, but I am talking about the ones who I work with and live among right now.)
A part of me is excited that I am due last because it means a bit more time to prepare. What I'm saying is, I'm not quite ready for Baby E/C to arrive yet. I at least want one shower before the baby comes. Most importantly I want our baby to be at a healthy point when he/she comes!
Another part of me thinks I will be prego forever. I mean, I have to wait for 4 women to have their babies first! Slowly but surely this is starting to happen...
The number 3 in line (as if that means anything) had her baby LAST NIGHT! A boy with two older sisters! He is 3 1/2 weeks early and totally healthy. Here is baby #1 of the 5 coming!

Jereson Lavan Lange
They created his name, it means Jeremy's son, which I think is super cute!
(I think I will post pics of each new baby before ours. Because it's exciting!)
When I heard she was in labor, I kind of freaked out. I was super excited for her, but at the same time it made everything seem to just speed up for me. I know and have seen and heard that babies have a timing of their own. I think because this time I am actually pregnant and not that far from the finish line, that her having the baby totally brought me to a new place.
I am an array of emotions today! Excited because our little one will be here before we know it and totally nervous because as much as I have read, prepared and have been taught- I really have no idea what to expect! I am more excited than anything, but definitely can't deny the nervousness creeping in.
3 more momma's to go, one who is due any day and another who is due next week and one due two weeks before me. It's an exciting time, this baby season!
One thing I truly appreciate and I am thankful for is that out of the 5 of us, I am prego with my first baby. 3 are prego with their 2nd and one with her 3rd. Selfishly, I kind of like that side of things. Plus I can watch each of them in their pregnancies, deliveries, etc and learn! It's been a blessing to not walk this alone- most days!
I only say most days because I am the shortest one of us all, a whopping 5'1 and definitely began showing sooner and even now still have one of the largest baby bumps. My baby keeps growing out, out, out! Most days I love being prego with everyone, it's the days that 3 or more people comment on my size, that I want to hide away and be prego alone. Pathetic, I know ;)
Also... I have had 3 dreams since the beginning of pregnancy, that I had a baby boy. Last night I officially had my "it's a girl!" dream! (If you want to read about my entire dream, read below).
I asked God not to tell me through a word or picture or dream and so I really don't think He has. I mean, I've had both gender dreams. So unless I am carrying twins...haha :) We shall see in 7ish weeks or less!
Yikes & Hooray all at once. It's that kind of a day!
My dream from last night;
I had our baby girl E and Ted and I were visiting my long time gf in WI, Danielle and her new baby boy Landen. We were heading somewhere and Ted had the baby in the carseat and he told me that I needed to feed her. When I took the blanket off, I realized Ted had already learned how to swaddle her in a swaddle travel blanket and that melted my heart. When we arrived at Danielle's house later, I saw a mirror and was thrilled to see my waist and how "skinny" I look in comparison to my baby bump and then I lifted my shirt and saw my belly was just hanging and freaked out. That's my dream. Haha!
Your dream was great..haha I cant even begin to tell you how many crazy off the wall dreams ive
YWAM and IHOP are so similar, there are at least three girls in just MY CLASS thats are my age and preo, not to mention all the million others around the base. I have to confess, when i see other girls that i know are preg, and right around my week i get jealous and a bit big headed since i look way bigger then how far i am, again i am so short too! haha pathetic i know...
i was thinking how crazy it will be if we meet op at home and you are HOLDING your little one in your arms.. WHOA so exciting!
Ok this is a NOVEL! sorry
who else is prego? you, sarah.... ?
lol! how funny! great dream. i had some crazy dreams myself when i was prego haha.
love danielle
This is so true. I felt like when we were up there, everyone was prego! I guess you've joined the YWAM pregnant woman of present and past!
I'm so excited and can't wait for baby e/c!!
I love that it was a girl, I love that Ted knew how to swaddle, and I esp. loved that Danielle and her baby were in your dream...Madre'
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