I haven't written ONE thing about our new clinic. I can't believe myself ;) I've had 3 appointments with this new clinic now so here is our delayed updates on those appointments.
Appointment #1:
I went alone because Ted was swamped with work, which I was nervous about but it turned out great. I met with the one midwife they have, named Alicia. She was friendly, caring and actually listened to me! We had to transfer our medical records, so she and I went through them and she discussed with me the things I had questions about for months now. I am a detail kind of girl and I would rarely get details of any kind at our other clinic, so she informed me about every little thing. Even the silly things, which I appreciated. She then did a check up on me- you know the kind, ick. But everything is great, I am not at risk for preterm labor, according to my cervix. Baby E/C's heart rate was great. I was measuring right on track. She and I also discussed my birth plan, which she supported! I didn't get to meet Dr. Hill this time, but she told me a lot about him and his reputation.
Appointment #2:
The good old glucose blood test appointment. A little overdue because I kept putting this off. I was actually supposed to do this test at 26 weeks! I hate needles and almost always almost pass out or I do pass out. Ted did come with me to this one for obvious reasons. I had to drink the nasty glucose "fruit punch" flavored drink 1 hour prior to the test. That alone makes you queasy and by the time we arrived at the clinic I was already telling Ted I thought I was going to pass out. Great way to feel before you get blood drawn. They called me in and pricked my finger to check my iron, but didn't prick hard enough, so they had to do that twice. That was a killer cuz then I saw the blood! I told the nurse that I am known to pass out when getting blood drawn and she let me lay down, thank goodness. Ted was smiling like crazy at me and actually told me later that he wanted to see me pass out! Can you believe it?! He thought it was funny! I have the tiniest veins and they always have to poke and prod for ever before they finally put it in. Noises started to sound clouded and then my eyes started to seek dark spots and surprisingly I made it and didn't pass out!! I am proud =) They told me today the test turned out great and I am in the clear.
Appointment #3:
I had this appointment today. I go biweekly now and it's making things seem to be coming A LOT faster now. In a few weeks I will be going every week. Whoa! Our appointment today revealed nothing new just only a growing baby and belly. I am now 28 pounds heavier than I began and right on track. Baby's heart beat is swift as usual and I adore hearing it.
*I had to run to out of the room just now to the office next door (to Chey) cuz baby was moving like crazy. I like sharing it with people who care, so fun!*
Anyways, today went well. It was a 9 minute appointment because Dr. Hill had to run to deliver a baby- that will be me soon! YAY! Okay, so yep I met the Dr. who will be delivering our baby. He is super sweet, just like everyone was telling me! Praise God!
Alright I should go. I'm obsessed with this blog, but honestly it eases my crazy prego mind!
christmas card.
12 years ago
dude i have been trying to add a signature like yours and I CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT! gaaaaaaa.
never mind. i just changed the color. the black was siko shinny.
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