Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 15

Preparation: Finally!

This week we are getting our crib, which is beautiful! Our friend's gave it to us! My mother-in-law recently ordered the bedding for our baby and it should be here this week. I found this bedding around Christmas time, and fell in love with the design (cuz it's elephants).

As you can see, it's the colours we like, minus the teal, so I am going to add the teal in through accessories and being creative. I think I found a crib sheet at Target that is the teal we want. We are heading to register at Target this Sunday. Finally, right?

We also set a date for our first baby shower, for June 7th and I am hoping that it isn't too late! Our weekends are packed from here until the baby is born! We will be having a baby shower with our YWAM friends two weeks after the baby is born, which should be fun, having the baby there at the shower! I am looking forward to that!

I still can't believe we are 12 weeks away (more or less), and you can't tangibly tell we're planning for a baby! I only have one entire section in our room of collected baby items from friends and family and a lot of baby books, but other than that you can't really tell that we're having a baby in 12 weeks!

We did finally picked out the paint type and brand and will be buying that this week as well, and hopefully I will have the bedroom painted by next week, and the crib all set up and ready! I will take before and after pics of the room. It may take a while before I post some pics, because even after painting the room, we will still need to buy curtains and rods, and put the changing table in, etc.

Random note: I <3 polls. I know I keep creating polls and posting them, but I love to see people's views! So please vote! (Even on my silly hair colouring one)! The Day We Meet Our Baby:
I needed to write, because I am actually feeling super antsy and nervous today. In worship this morning, I ended up crying and Ted and I left to walk and talk. It is becoming more and more real, with each new week, and each time I look in the mirror and see my growing belly. I cried because as much as I am so thrilled, excited, ecstatic really... I am nervous too. I've read a lot of books on mothering, parenting, discipline, eating, etc... but to be honest I am more relying on my natural ability to mother, and it hit me today, that I really won't know what that is like until I am a mother.

Another fear that's beginning to rise up in me, is the day of our baby's birth. We've rewritten our birth plan to best fit the hospital, but I am in no way prepared for what is to come. We will be taking our birthing class in May, and I still won't feel prepared. I am afraid of the pain, but I want to go all natural because I want to experience the labor and birthing our baby, I want to be alert and aware but I am nervous.

The moment I look forward to the most, and could even cry about it now, it the moment where our little one comes, and they tell my the "it's a boy or girl" and immediately place him/her on my chest so I can see our beautiful baby. Oh my word, I can't wait.

That is the part that keeps my mind at peace. That is the part that I eagerly await.

1 comment:

Kami said...

I feel like everytime I make a comment it has the words inspiring or how I adore you, but it is true...YOU inspire me and I do adore you. I truly feel like this baby is the most blessed child to have you for a mother! You are PERFECT, PERFECTLY suited to raise this child. God picked this child for you and Ted, and no one else to raise it up to love the Lord! You are a matter what size or shape. You are beloved of the Father and by sooooo many others. We can't wait to REJOICE with you!!!