Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 3

Our Little Love (has my nose).

Today we had an ultrasound to check the baby's anatomy, as well as the placenta. It went super well! I always enjoy the ultrasound technician, I think she enjoys our reactions too as we see our little one squirm!

Great news - the placenta has a little lake of blood, but nothing to worry about! The loop or whatever it was, didn't show up in this ultrasound, so it's GONE! Which means, I can have a safe home birth! Praise God, He knew our heart's desire!

Our baby is adorable, I'm so in love! He or she was facing up so we could see it's cute little mouth opening and closing, we saw it's little tongue sticking out, and it's cute little nose (I think it looks like mine, but really have no idea)! Ted and I were in awe when we witnessed that. It was so clear this morning and we were thankful because we can't afford the 3D ultrasound. The baby's anatomy is great as well, it's little heart beats so fast!

They say I am measuring a week ahead of schedule, but that could be just for now, we shall see. I am hoping for the baby to be born on my mom's bday, but of course if the baby comes early I'm not complaining! Baby is 1 pound!!

One thing I probably should share... I did not and I am not finding out the sex of our baby, although I am still think this little love is a girl. Ted however... he found out! Stinker, I know! He can't handle the wait and surprise of it all, which I finally came to understand and he spent time praying and felt like he could do it and keep his mouth zipped. The midwife and ultrasound gal thought that we were pretty funny for doing this. I still can't believe he knows. It's crazy, but I'm praying that I won't find out!

This probably means he is going to mess with me a lot the next few months. He did tell my mother-in-law, but I trust her completely!!

Notice how our little ones arms cover the face. SO CUTE! (click to enlarge if you'd like)
Jami & our little Love


Ashton Shjandemaar said...

AWWW JAMI!!!! Oh man i get emotional even looking at your baby!!! haha
Healthy and nothing wrong with the placenta! amen..
You should hit to ted to just e-mail me the sex...its way to hard for me as well, and just for that reason were finding out... i know, i know...haha
So happy and paying for you guys

Kami said...

What a beautiful sight to see! I can't wait to meet our little one in person! What a joy that will be! I love you and am so proud of you! Madre

Ashton Shjandemaar said...

Oh JAMI, do NOT let him slip, it will be so much better if thats what you wanted! Aww Im just way to anxious...haha i do have to say its such a blessing having a friend to go through this with, well more behind but you know! Ted will do fine, in the Lords strength..haha jk

Ashton Shjandemaar said...

I was just thinking, how the heck have you had so many ultrasounds?!
I think we only get two!?!
Maybe cause to keep up for a home birth?

Kami said...

So far, so good...He hasn't slipped yet! I have to admit I was tempted ONCE to ask him, only while shopping for fabric at Joann's. I'm glad I overcame the temptation!
~Loving you, Madre'