Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 17

5 Generations!

Chase, Momma, Grandma Kami, Great Grandma Mary Jo and Great GREAT Grandma Lois.

Our first family photo!

Can you believe it? 5 generations! We were all first borns and we all started young, so that combo helps I guess ;)

Late night feedings with Chase usually end with me rocking him while singing 'You are my sunshine'. Last night was my favourite by far (minus staying up for 3 1/2 hours straight). As I sung to him, he cuddled with me and kept looking up at me, wide eyed, smiling and cooing as if he was trying to talk to me. I LOVE IT! He makes everything so worth it, even the long nights.

Today I was worried about his breathing and took him into the doctors "just in case". See, I have asthma and it could be hereditary because last week he started to cough or choke during/after feedings. It turns out he has a mild case of reflux but he is okay! Praise God! I was really worried.

Oh, and our little man is now weighing in at a whopping 11 lbs 4 oz! Even though that sounds huge, he really is still small and infant-like. I don't want you to picture a 4 month old, cause he's not that huge ;)

Ahh bummer, I just realized I forgot to do 'not me Monday' but I don't have the energy to remember all of my lovely not me's for this week. Next time!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

so we weren't the only ones up all night (well from 1:30-4:30, plus a couple more feedings)! Was Chase just awake and happy or fussy? Josiah was overtired and really fussy because of his gas/reflux. It was a tough night but today he's been cuddly and content.