Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 29

30 Weeks Already?!

Above photos:
My mom, sister and I painted our bedroom/baby room yesterday! Here is a pic of my 30 week belly and a painted face which I did from the top. I couldn't even see the lips til I looked in a mirror! haha. I also added a lip ring for Ted just for memouries sake. Sneak peak of the colours behind me!

10ish weeks 'til we meet our precious baby!

You know your prego when- you love to touch your growing belly and find your hand on your tummy more often than not!

Baby is about 16 inches long now, and he/she weighs almost 3 pounds. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds baby, but that volume will decrease as baby gets bigger and takes up more room in my uterus. Baby's eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after he/she's born, baby will keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When baby does open them, he/she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means he/she can only make out objects a few inches from his/her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.) His/her grip is now strong enough to grasp a finger too! Our baby has the hiccups a lot, in fact most of the time it is when the baby is head down. Poor baby! Today he/she had them so hard that my whole tummy was rocking to the rythym. Just like mommy in that way already - I seem to get hiccups a lot.

Growing baby = growing belly. Loving my baby and baby bump. I am getting more achy and it's been harder to sleep lately, but nothing unbearable yet. I awoke to heartburn one night and had it for 45 min. straight! I was confused because I thought it had to do with indigestion. My swelling is 10x better due to drinking lots of water and going for walks whenever I can, so that's a blessing. Somedays I do wish I wasn't naturally petite and 5'1, but that is something I really need to get over and face the reality that I will always be this small, so in pregnancy I will always be this big and almost abnormal looking. Actually... most definetely abnormal looking! Seriously, it's a miracle my body can stretch this far and carry this baby so far out! Kind of amazing!

I've truly enjoyed this experience of being pregnant so much. I realize more and more each week the reality of this and the fact that God's entrusted us with our baby and he/she will be arriving before we know it! Sometimes it scares me but most times I have this excitement within that I can't explain.

Ted and I went for a walk around the pond by our work and talked about how much God has really been preparing us, molding us and really challenging us in our integrity and in our walks with Him. All in preparation to being parents. We've really grown in this season, the past 30 weeks, in many ways and it excites me so much for what is just around the corner. God has really and truly lovingly challenged me to trust Him completely. For those of you who know me, this part is the hard part. Trusting Him completely means letting go of everything and putting it in His hands. Please pray for me in this, because it is something that I have struggled with for years. I want to bring our baby into this world, letting him or her know how trustworthy God is and how they never need to doubt Him. But it is something I myself kind of need to understand and believe first!

The past month I have also struggled with feeling extremely lonely, which is something I haven't felt in a long time. I think that it's some kind of attack on me before becoming a mommy. Please pray for me! I want to bring our baby into this world in joy and peace. Ted has been amazing through this all but this is something we both want to see change. I want to walk in truth of who I am!

Oh and about our maternity photoshoot... we had to reschedule due to something that came up on saturday and we are now doing a 31 week photoshoot. I told our two friends that will be helping us with this, that if I get a stretch mark between now and then, how crazy that would be! I'm hoping for a beautiful day and good memouries to be captured. So look forward to them!

Much love,
Jami & Baby E/C

Thursday, April 23

You Know Your Prego When #3

I am receptionist at YWAM on Thursdays, so... I spend a lot of time either reading about baby or researching things online or writing on our blog. Hence this LONG post.

You know you're prego when:

*you ask the same question 5 times because you can't remember the first 4 answers
*you tell your husband in excitement that you just pooped cuz you've been constipated for a few days and they kindly respond "Oh, well that's good babe!" because poop isn't usually a topic we talk about, um ever.
*you are usually very active and all of a sudden walking up stairs alone makes you want to take a nap.
*you throw your trash in the sink and your plate in the trash
*you get out of the shower, into a towel, look in the mirror and are shocked at how wide you look!
*you try to squeeze by something or someone like you normally would, and instead hit the person or thing with your belly... awkward!
*When something falls on the floor in the car and you watch it roll back and forth b/c you cant reach it to pick it up... (I'm always afraid to hurt baby!)
*the first thing thing you search for in a store or any place is the bathroom, just in case
*you sneeze or cough and sometimes come close to peeing your pants
*you laugh and your stomach becomes the most hilarious shape and your almost outty belly button pops out with each giggle causing you to laugh even more!
*you feel an odd tap on your chest when the baby kicks, and realize that you're belly has finally caught up with your top half, and your top now rests on your belly!
*you and 5 others around you are pregnant yet since you are the shortest you hear all of the comments of comparrison in size with others... what I'd give to be even 3 inches taller! The comments would cease!(Somedays this makes me super sad!)
*you can't see your feet because of your growing baby and belly and when you do finally lean over your belly to see your feet, you are thankful you can't see them everyday because they are swollen beautifully =)
*you can no longer see the underside of your belly and sometimes don't even know it's exposed until you see a mirror, or a friend says "Aw, that's so cute" or your man says, "Babe! Pull your shirt down!"
*When hubby automatically turns the hall light on before bed time, cause he knows how much you get up to pee thorough the night.
*When the cheesy "baby on board" car sticker all of a sudden catches your attention and you want to put in on NOW so maybe then crazy drivers will be more cautious around you and your precious cargo!
*you scream out in pain cuz the little one decides to kick ya in the cervix, and your hubby thinks your going into labor... (I'm learning to handle the reactions better now, poor Ted)
*you are in line at the grocery and strangers begin to give you parenting advice!(No complete stranger has touched my belly ...yet)
*you get a coffee and a stranger or co-worker asks you if it's decaf or not. Kind of annoying!
*you have crazy vivid, colourful dreams, wake up and want to share with with your hubby, then realize you can't remember any of it.
*flip flops become your everyday shoe attire starting in winter
*you no longer have a favorite side to sleep on, because baby changes position so much! It's whatever side the baby chooses!
*you wish you were taller than 5'1 more than ever before and would appreciate longer arms for reaching things as well.
*you go to a store or mall and most people just stare. I mean STARE! Like they've never seen a prego before! It's pretty funny!
*you feel like the amazon river couldn't provide enough water to quench your thirst!Water becomes your new best friend- took me a while, but I can't go without it now and before I was prego I hated drinking it.
*you get so hot that you stand in the bathroom for a few minutes running ice cold water over your hands and arms and it's only 60 outside!
*you have a breakdown because one of the guys in the house ate the last of something you are saving.
*you are now used to waking up at 4 am, using the bathroom and chatting with baby 'til they go back to sleep. (Good prep. I think) =)
*you ask to use the hospitality bed or a student's bed to take a "quick" nap while at work.
*your husband still finds your belly button as the coolest thing ever and must always pokes it.
*your friends also love your growing belly and belly button and refer to it as "aw it's so cute, you're little nub"... haha
*the blotchy brown patches on your face make you want to wear foundation for the first time in your life.
*even with every new growth, kick in the ribs, pressure on the bladder or punch in the cervix, you still are in awe of your little one's movements and wouldn't trade them in for anything!

Whoa... I wrote so much and I feel like I'm leaving things out. There will be a #4 before long, I guarantee!

Wednesday, April 22

Week 29: Brown Nose & Swollen Toes.

I have had the mask of pregnancy since about 6 months prego. Which is basically darkening of my skin on my face, not in a way which makes me look tan either! I guess it supposed to look like a mask, which mine doesn't quite. I have a nose that looks more and more brown each week- basically because of my freckles darkening! I also have a few blotches on my cheeks too. I feel like Rudolph only with a brown nose! Another slow, steady change is my swelling feet, which I think I previously referred to them as troll legs and that definetly still applies. I love the morning times, when I can see my ankle shape because usually by the evening they are swollen!

Baby E/C:
Our baby is about 2 1/5-3 pounds and is between fifteen and seventeen inches tall from head to heel. His/her brain can detect rhythmic breathing and control body temperature, so he or she is less likely to need breathing assistance if baby was born early. Baby is growing eyelashes, adding fat, and developing his/her brain. Because of brain wave activity, researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this time! (Incredible)!11 weeks (give or take) 'til we know if our baby is an E or a C! If this baby has blond hair like daddy or dark hair like mommy, blue eyes or hazel, long baby or small, personality, facial expressions...........!

I just read that as levels of prolactin increase in my body, my breasts may secrete colostrum. This is true and is happening, I kind of freaked out at first! Um, yeah never had this happen before! The process has begun, maybe and hopefully this means I will produce a lot of milk for our baby! Prolactin also has a sedating effect, and I seriously feel like I need to take naps the way I did in the first trimester. My uterus is now in a position where it exerts pressure on my bladder and I make even more frequent trips to the bathroom! A little crazy-yet-fun fact... my uterus is now 1,000 times bigger than when I first began!

I enjoy the sunny weather lately and go for at least one walk a day, which has made the swelling a little better! Ted's been amazing and patient; walking with his little prego waddling wife. Um, yes I am a waddler now, the farther baby grows out, the more I waddle! What used to take us minutes to talk or run, now takes us twice as long!

I added "current cravings" on the list of things > to your right. I've gotten a little obsessed with polls and held back making another, but I did add that fun little guy. Enjoy!

Love much!
Jami & Baby E/C

Saturday, April 18

Our Bedding!

Here is step one of many more to come: getting our baby bedding. This isn't all of it, those pics will come when we paint, then set the crib up. That may still be a few weeks away. Also, in two weeks we will be doing our maternity photo shoot @ 30 weeks! Something to look forward to for you! I am excited, and hoping to not be TOO huge by the time it arrives ;)

Thursday, April 16

Belly Button about to Pop!

28 Weeks 1 day! Growing, growing, growing!
We took the picture of my belly from the side - (the one showing only black) - because if you click it to make it larger, and you will see our Baby E/C's head!!! Check it out. Check out the difference between both side views of belly!

Wednesday, April 15

Preparation: Finally!

This week we are getting our crib, which is beautiful! Our friend's gave it to us! My mother-in-law recently ordered the bedding for our baby and it should be here this week. I found this bedding around Christmas time, and fell in love with the design (cuz it's elephants).

As you can see, it's the colours we like, minus the teal, so I am going to add the teal in through accessories and being creative. I think I found a crib sheet at Target that is the teal we want. We are heading to register at Target this Sunday. Finally, right?

We also set a date for our first baby shower, for June 7th and I am hoping that it isn't too late! Our weekends are packed from here until the baby is born! We will be having a baby shower with our YWAM friends two weeks after the baby is born, which should be fun, having the baby there at the shower! I am looking forward to that!

I still can't believe we are 12 weeks away (more or less), and you can't tangibly tell we're planning for a baby! I only have one entire section in our room of collected baby items from friends and family and a lot of baby books, but other than that you can't really tell that we're having a baby in 12 weeks!

We did finally picked out the paint type and brand and will be buying that this week as well, and hopefully I will have the bedroom painted by next week, and the crib all set up and ready! I will take before and after pics of the room. It may take a while before I post some pics, because even after painting the room, we will still need to buy curtains and rods, and put the changing table in, etc.

Random note: I <3 polls. I know I keep creating polls and posting them, but I love to see people's views! So please vote! (Even on my silly hair colouring one)! The Day We Meet Our Baby:
I needed to write, because I am actually feeling super antsy and nervous today. In worship this morning, I ended up crying and Ted and I left to walk and talk. It is becoming more and more real, with each new week, and each time I look in the mirror and see my growing belly. I cried because as much as I am so thrilled, excited, ecstatic really... I am nervous too. I've read a lot of books on mothering, parenting, discipline, eating, etc... but to be honest I am more relying on my natural ability to mother, and it hit me today, that I really won't know what that is like until I am a mother.

Another fear that's beginning to rise up in me, is the day of our baby's birth. We've rewritten our birth plan to best fit the hospital, but I am in no way prepared for what is to come. We will be taking our birthing class in May, and I still won't feel prepared. I am afraid of the pain, but I want to go all natural because I want to experience the labor and birthing our baby, I want to be alert and aware but I am nervous.

The moment I look forward to the most, and could even cry about it now, it the moment where our little one comes, and they tell my the "it's a boy or girl" and immediately place him/her on my chest so I can see our beautiful baby. Oh my word, I can't wait.

That is the part that keeps my mind at peace. That is the part that I eagerly await.

Monday, April 13

The 3rd Trimester Has Arrived!

We are officially in entering the 3rd trimester, which means 12 weeks or less until we get to meet our beautiful Baby! Ted and I were lying in bed last night, just talking to him or her, and Ted told me how it's really begun to hit him this week too; we are going to be parents! We are going to raise this child, guide him or her! A LIFE!


Week 28:

Our baby (approx) weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 15 inches from the top of his/her head to heels. Baby can blink his/her eyes now, which now sport lashes. Baby's eyesight is developing and he/she may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb!! Baby is also developing billions of neurons in his/her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

The differences that I have personally felt with the baby in the past two weeks, if I haven't already shared, is the baby's growth! I feel like my belly hasn't grown much, but the baby has, so it has very little room to move. I know this because I've recently felt him/her kicking my ribs (for the first time) and also, I will have my arms down at my side, and will feel a kick from within AND on my arm. Which is crazy weird to feel. I don't know if I am making sense, but what I'm trying to say is, I feel a difference in the baby's position and length. His/her new favorite position is head down by my hip bone, and feet kicking me near my ribs. It doesn't hurt though...well not yet! He/she also loves underneath my belly button, it's such a strange feeling to me still! My belly is so tight, my belly button is ready to pop, and I wonder when the stretch marks will come, because it has to be soon! My skin can't go any further!

I have been getting swollen by the end of the day and I definitely feel and know my body is producing 40% more blood, like they say. It's kind of my least favorite part of being pregnant right now. I call my legs, troll legs. Summer shorts and capris and skirts, aren't going to be as cute this year :)

Other than swelling up... I am feeling great. I have the backaches pretty frequently from the weight out front, but it's not unbearable yet. My most recent change is my width. I read that our bodies adapt to fit our growing uterus in between weeks 26 and 30, by slowly spreading our rib cage a little bit wider. I couldn't believe that and went to look for myself in the mirror, sure enough, I am WIDE! It's amazing how our bodies are made to hold an entire life, and it adapts to all of the changes! I am amazed still. Oh and I've recently gotten back fat, like actually on my back! I know that sounds weird, but it's the truth!

Alright, pics to come. Maybe I should take pics of my "troll legs" one evening when I'm swollen, just for memories sake :)

Jami & Baby E/C

Wednesday, April 8

Week 27: Clearly... not so clear!

Today I am officially 27 weeks prego. It's hard to believe by the end of this week, I will be in the 3rd trimester! It's incredible, and really truly sinking in.

Baby weighs 2 pounds and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his or her legs extended. Baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing its eyes, and perhaps even sucking its fingers (which we've seen, so yep)! With more brain tissue developing, baby's brain is very active now. While his/her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if baby were to be born now. Last night I had a braxton hicks contraction lasting the entire night, but found out that is okay. Baby E/C kept me awake for most of the night, with it's tightly cramped quarters, he/she was trying to get comfortable I think. Poor baby!

GREAT! Despite the lack of sleep, occasional (new) heartburn, and backache... I am doing really good. I get more and more excited as the time to bring our baby into the world draws nearer. A few weeks back I rewrote our birthing plan, and I keep revising it, and probably will up until the day of the birth. I was talking with my mom today, and realizing just how close this really is. Each week, I am amazed at how my stomach stretches even further, and how the baby's kicks become even more frequent, and I can sense the baby is more alert to my voice, and our singing, and the conversations I have with Ted - I feel like he/she knows our voices!

Funny stories (hence the title): I hope these make sense.
1) In the drive thru Starbucks (me driving), birthday gift card in hand, we ordered our drinks and went to pay... I handed the lady my Starbucks gift card, she went in the window, came back out and said, "Do you want to keep this? It has nothing on it." My brain wasn't working, so I responded with, "Oh let me have it back, I will take it back to the person and let them know there wasn't any money on it." She looked at me weird, and handed me the card. After she went inside the window, Ted said "No baby, she used all of the money on the card already." I felt like an idiot; I literally thought that the card had NOTHING on it.

2) I had to call and reschedule an appointment with the clinic, due to a snow storm, and I told the lady, "Today I am supposed to meet with Patty @ 1pm, can I reschedule." She was away for a second, and then came back and said, "Hon, I have a Monday morning @ 8 with Jenny." I then replied, "Oh... that's weird, I'm pretty sure they scheduled me for today @ 1 with Patty." She said, "Hon, you wanted to reschedule, so this is the earliest I have." Again, felt so spacey! I can't believe my brain!

Tonight adds my 3rd funny story:
3) Wednesday night's I have girl's nights with friends beginning with snacks and America's next top model, and ending in laughter and/or deep conversations usually. Tonight was one of those times for laughter. Well, a commercial for a new type of dr.pepper came on and I didn't think before I spoke and said, "That can is really creepy... it's like black..........and red." LONG PAUSE as my friend's were taking in what I had said, then they busted out laughing. Mostly because the ironic thing is my favorite colours are black and red, and our entire living room and dining area is asian theme with black and red!

In the moment, these were all a lot funnier. I just had to add them!

Alright, I am still unsure about doing a week 27 photo, because we just took week 26. I am waiting to see if I feel like I am growing anymore, and then if I do I will post one this week. That may sound weird, but I can actually feel for two days straight, when my stomach is stretching and growing. It's usually when I finally get comfortable with where I am, and then bam, some more stretching. I'm still waiting for those stretch marks to come to this short torso body of mine!

Love much,
Jami & Baby E/C

Sunday, April 5

Week 26: A time to rest or A time to nest?

Well, here they are - week 26 photos. Two posts ago, I posted the info on Baby E/C, so check that out.

I am feeling super antsy lately, at every second I need to be doing something. Within the last month, I've deep cleaned things that I never have, I've sorted, organized, and even thrown things away (which is a huge deal for this pack rat). Today Ted and I were talking about why I am like this so suddenly, and wondering if it is because we can't quite begin the setting up of the crib, or painting, or buying/making things, or even do the registry yet. We are so close, with so much to do, but can't do most things yet. Mostly due to events we have coming up this month, pushing our nesting into May.

I used to wonder why my mom was always moving, or always felt the need to do something productive, and now I believe 110% that it is a motherly-instinct thing. I used to be able to just chill, do nothing, and not care about it, and now it's incredibly hard for me! I would say pray for me, but I actually love being like this- at least right now. I guess, just pray for balance with it, that way when it is time to just chill and do nothing, I will.

Also, I've really been feeling nauseous again, along with having some low lows and high highs emotionally which I haven't really struggled with since the first trimester. I actually feel like I am newly pregnant again. I even have intense bouts of exhaustion, where I must sleep NOW. That hasn't happened for a while either. Please pray for me, because I am the only one in the web department this quarter, which means I need my mind alert!! I had to take a nap twice this week during my web slots!

Seriously I am almost done =)
I have two funny stories to post about my prego brain, but I will write those with the week 27 update.

Jami & Baby E/C

Saturday, April 4

Two New Finds Bring Tears to my Eyes.

Both new finds brought on the tears!


Ted recently created a wordpress blog, including the design and layout. He wrote something so simple yet profound which made me cry.

He also wrote on our blog as well:


Colby Caillat's song Capri. I was working in the web department yesterday just letting all kinds of music play to inspire me, and heard this song for the first time. I don't know how I had ever missed it! Seriously, this song is on repeat on my ipod now. Even as I cleaned today, repeat. Ted was like, "It's about a baby girl you know..." Which I know, but I am almost convinced deep within that I'm carrying a baby girl, EVEN if I am not... I ADORE the beginning part of this song. Check it out.

Week 26 photos coming soon!

*craving of the week: quesadillas with sour cream & picante*

Wednesday, April 1

More Nesting: COLOURS!

We have made our mind up about our colours for the crib set! Chocolate brown, teal, & spring lime. (Our poor moms) This has been an intense process, especially because we (well I) do not know our baby's sex. ALTHOUGH, I am convinced it's a girl. I will feel awfully silly if I am wrong, but not dissapointed =) The colours are pretty neutral, I mean they will work if we have another baby opposite sex of this one, you know?

Anyways, above is our inspiration. We found this swing online, already in love with elephants, and we loved the colours. We will keep this swing at home and take the matching bouncer seat to work with us, so baby can hang out while we are working.

Now begins the 14 week journey of preparing our home for our baby! YAY! (which doesn't even sum up how excited I am!!)