Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8

'Not me Monday' #4

This blog carnival was created by mkmama. A 'Not me Monday' is a funny way to 'fess up some embarrassing things you've done that week... by pretending you totally did not actually do them. Here we go again!

I did not have my first "I'm in labor" dream and wake up panicked, thinking that I really was. Nope, not me!

I am not getting more emotional with each passing day. Nope, not me.

I did not drive 20-30 minutes just to go to BabysRus and I did not return the incredible (& expensive) baby bath we bought with shower money, just so I could get a cheaper one and buy $30 worth of baby items with the extra money. I'm still not sure that was the best idea... we shall see!

I did not then try to talk myself in then out of getting a Cherry limeade at the Sonic on the way back. I did not try and justify it by say to myself "Sonic is so far away from my home, so I can treat myself, just this once..." Nope, not me!

I did not wake up at 3:30 am one morning this week for no apparent reason & when I could not go back to sleep, I did not try waking my hubby around 4:30 and he did not finally wake up around 5:30 with a wife ready to hang out and chitchat. That's so insensitive, nope not me! (this isn't the first time and probably not the last).

I do not constantly stub my toes or walk into the crib next to our bed when I wake to use the bathroom numerous times a night (Petra, you were right!) and I did not finally decide to move our bed over 1/2 foot and probably soon 1 foot.

When entering our car, I do not enter slowly, like I've had a recent hip replacement. Nope, not me.

I do not constantly (still) underestimate the size of my growing belly and hit it on tables, counters, swinging doors, etc. Nope, not me!

I also do not try and turn sideways to let someone pass beside me in a narrow hall or in the lunch/dinner lines... Surely by now I would learn that I'm bigger sideways! Nope, not me!

I do not have a secret stash of Hershey's cookies & cream bars hidden in our freezer. And I will not hurt one of the boys, if they were discovered. Nope, not me!

I am not currently ignoring the piles of laundry sitting right in front of me, to do my 'not me Monday' update. Nope, not me.

I'm not at all worried that soon my bella band will no longer fit this belly that somehow continues to grow farther out. Without the bella band my stomach will be exposed or I will need to wear Ted's shirts... nope, not me!

I am not extremely thankful for my growing belly because it hides my legs below. And I am notworried about what I will see after the belly is gone and baby is in my arms. 30 lbs later, surely my legs will be the same size as pre-pregnancy right?!

I have not "lost" my cell phone numerous times while sitting down, only to find it on my lapclose to my belly each time. Whether I'm sitting in our car, in our bed, on our couch, etc. Didn't realize how often I use my leg to hold my phone!

While sitting home alone on Friday evening, I was not worried when a tornado watch was in effect for the counties surrounding ours, and I was not convinced it was coming our way and constantly checking out the window and watching the news. I also did not call Ted telling him how worried I was. Nope, not me.

When showering each morning, I am not constantly forgetting my routine. I do not stand in the shower longer, trying to figure out what I've done and what comes next... nope not me!

did not just spell routine in the above sentence like this; ruetine. Spell check is not my new best friend while prego. Nope, not me!

did not spend 10-15 minutes searching for a shirt that will cover my entire belly and I did not spill on that shirt during lunch that same day, then say "Oh well" and still continue to wear it cause it fitNope, not me.

I am not at all embarrassed at how badly my face swells up some days and want to hide away.Nope, not me.

I did not cry while watching a video on the stages of birth, during our birthing class yesterday. Nope not me! (Even despite how tired I will be after the birth of our baby, I will probably still sob!)

I am not in a constant battle within, one day hoping the baby will come early and others hoping the baby will go full term. I can't make up my mind! 

I did not originally wanted him/her to come June 16 because 3 years ago on that day Ted and I became a couple and had our first "date" and I did not recently change my mind because I realized just how close that actually is. One week from today! Nope, not me!


Anonymous said...

you make me laugh! when i had my preggo belly and there was a certain isle or people in my way with just enough room for a normal person to fit through..i would always take the long way around because i knew i didnt even want to attempt to fit lol! i love these not me mondays! silly girl you!!

luv danielle

Kami said...

Jami, Thank you for sharing these! It brighttens/lightens my Mondays to hear the silly things you do. I can remember doing some of the same things! It could be any time now... Love, Madre'

Simply Me said...

don't second guess the bath return choice. I think I used the baby bath for each of my kids less than 5 times each. The sink was just easier than dragging it out, filling it up, bathing them, emptying it, letting it dry, putting it away, etc. when they're itty bitty you can do the sink and then once they are 5-6 months just lay them in an inch of water straight in the tub! you'll be good with the cheaper bath!