Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 19

Mobile Journeys.

Chewing away.

Tummy time with momma.


Just like mommy.

Merch Baby.

Momma forgot the "just in case" clothes again :)

I have my mommy's nose.

Somehow I managed to sleep through all of the noise of 108 new students arriving and having a welcome breakfast together!

My froggy snugly and me.

My first chipotle (not really).

And, my first wanton!

I love to stand but I was worn out here.

My first time swinging. I didn't know what to think.

I preferred swinging with my mommy.

My first time in a movie theatre. I watched for a bit, then ate and slept.

Sleeping through mommy changing me.

My first snow day!

I like mommy's side of the bed.

This makes people laugh, so I do it often :)

Or this!

Mommy told me to stop growing, but I just can't help myself. Plus, I can't wait to crawl!

This is just a few of the photos I've taken over the past few weeks. I just got a new phone and was sad to let my other one go because it had 852 pictures on it! Probably 100 we're from before Chase came but the rest were all after! Ted and I couldn't believe my piece of crap camera held that many!

It's moments like this where I don't feel ridiulous for always pulling out my camera phone and snapping these. Recognizing the precious memories and documenting them. It's totally a Jami thing to do and I hope I do it with all of my kiddos!

Chase still hasn't completely (by himself) rolled over from his tummy to his back. He prefers to roll over from back to tummy, which freaks me out because he has almost rolled out of his swing, his bouncer, his carseat and changing tables! He gets close while on his tummy but then just scoots and scoots and scoots backwards. It is cute but I'm hoping he will roll over tummy to back soon!!

Chase turned 3 months yesterday! (I am now doing month to month, so every 18th is a new month). I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. I will post pictures of his 3 month photo shoot soon!

A little confession... I can't help but think about getting pregnant again! Crazy huh? Emotionally I am back to normal and realizing that the birth plan changing was in fact very difficult but it will not stop me from having all of the children we want. I can't wait to see Chase as a big brother!

1 comment:

Little Mrs Mason said...

I made myself laugh with my amazing joke.. Here goes...

Next time you should say instead of "just in case" clothes, "just in chase" :) And I am amazingly dorky...

I'm excited to start walking...

He is so cute.. and you are a great mom and great wife... Which all makes for a great family to add more kiddos to...