Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 3

Week 39: Progress!

Bags packed and ready to go!

Me & Baby @ 39 weeks
He/she continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he/she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds! The outer layers of his/her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Still pretty active inside and definitely getting lower and lower with each day. Some days I feel as though he/she is going to fall out!

I've had a few new ailments this week, which is a good sign! Beginning on Wednesday morning I've had cramping off and on along with pretty strong but irregular contractions. I know this sounds terrible, but for me it makes me feel like we are getting closer! I am also extremely exhausted by the time afternoon hits. The past month I wasn't napping regularly because my mind would not rest and so I didn't even try to nap. Now it's a must! I can't function unless I nap some days!

Part of that could be that I've overworked myself this week, more than I have in a while. My mom was in town from Tuesday - yesterday and we did so much deep cleaning in our house to finish everything I wanted done!

Thank you Mom, you're such a blessing. You're amazing!

Oh and my swelling has gone up a level! Since Tuesday I've only really seen my ankle bones occasionally. I've never seen my feet and ankles like this. I officially have kankles by evening :)

I've been pretty impatient since the #4 of the 5 of us had her baby. I was just a tad anxious. The past few days I've calmed down a bit. I've been trying to find ways to naturally get our baby to come a few days early (mostly because I have 3 friends leaving town on Tuesday and one of them is from Australia). I've been walking a lot. This morning Ted really pushed me to do 3 laps at the park's trail next to our house. He is pretty anxious too!

Baby will be coming soon, and with every cramp, ache and strong contraction I know we are getting closer! 6 more days until the actual due date. It's hard to believe!


p.s we arranged our room and moved our crib! I finally gave in after feeling so claustrophobic and it's great and spacious now!

1 comment:

Simply Me said...

I totally feel you on the walking! Ian and my mom took me all over Denver trying to get me to have the baby when I was overdue with Lyric! Even if it didn't help me have her that day at least I slept well at night because I was so stinkin' tired!

I wondered how long the crib/bed relationship was going to stay that way! :)

Can't wait to 'meet' your little one through photos! You better post a lot.

and hand in there!