Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 12

Week 32: Baby's Little Bum.

32 weeks with 8(ish) weeks to go!

Baby weighs 4 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in my uterus. (And this is obvious, poor baby has limited room!) Baby should gain a third to half of his/her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as baby fattens up for survival outside the womb. He/she now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (wonder if it's dark like momma or light like daddy?) His/her skin is becoming soft and smooth as baby plumps up in preparation for birth- wooohoo!

With each new week I am amazed at his/her growth- not to mention mine =). Baby's movements are a lot more obvious. What I mean is I used to think, oh this is the foot and this is the head and this is the bum... now I KNOW without a doubt. Baby's favourite position right now is head down (yay!), curled with his/her bum right next to the left side of my belly button and feet either at my right side or in my ribs. That part is a little rough- only 3 times now I have had to lay back due to his/her foot pushed in my ribs. What an odd feeling! I love the movements though, as you can tell by the videos, haha. I can't help myself.

This is how I feel I look. I saw this on the internet and it's perfect!

Have you ever watched a goose walk... Yeah, well that is how I feel I walked. I got a good laugh out of watching some geese yesterday. They walk just like me! =)

Momma cont'd - In love! More and more each week! I am feeling great for being 32 weeks prego! People are always asking me "How are you feeling?" or "Are you just ready to be done?", things like that. Which is sweet because they care, but it also tells me that by now I should be feeling terrible, but I don't! I feel great, really! The newest symptom is my aching body. It used to ache only when baby was growing and my belly was stretching, but now it's almost everyday. I just find ways to ease the aches. Like if I am sitting for a while, I go for a walk. If I am on my feet to long, I sit down. Pretty practical things to ease everything. I don't sleep great anymore either, but honestly, it might be God, but I am okay in the mornings and when I need a nap, I run home and take it. My belly is getting very huge and I can definitely sit a cup or bowl on my belly without touching it now. Fun stuff!

My Pregnancy;

I will say I am super thankful that this pregnancy has been incredible! I had my bouts of morning sickness, learning how to sleep amidst baby's squirming, aches and pains as my belly grew, times of swollen ankles and feet, my lovely crazy emotional instability, learning to live as a complete airhead, etc... I am not complaining because I have actually and truly enjoyed this entire process. There were times that were rough (mostly the first tri), but even when I think back to all those times where I practically hugged the toilet, it really, honestly is worth it all!

Having these symptoms any other time would be such a nightmare and I believe the only reason that it seems bearable now is because I am carrying my little love inside. He/she makes this all seem like a piece of cake. I mean when I think about the birth and meeting him/her- the emotions I feel wipe out all of the others I've felt throughout this pregnancy. You have such a grace because you know the end result is beautiful! Aww- I can't wait!

However, I did tell Ted this week that I will not be complaining as much or as easy as I used to now that I've experienced being pregnant. Sometimes when I hear people say they are tired or sore or something, I have to laugh inside. Yeah, I will not be complaining as much after this! No way! My pain tolerance has already gone up a ton and I'm guessing even more after the birth =)

Today I had a major accomplishment @ 32 weeks prego;

See! Not too bad huh?
Haha, thanks for reading my long winded blog!


Ashton Shjandemaar said...

You did AWESOME on your toes! whoa, hopefully ill be able at 32 weeks!
I laughed so hard with the horse and goose picture...Oh man the perfect pictures for this post!
The video is the most adorable thing ever, oh man, i almost cried (so happy for you guys)! Hope your getting your sleep in, and Ted for that matter, your little sunshine is on their way! Dan is now convinced its a BOY, im still going for girl.
Your looking good, STILL, you just look pregnant, some women look BIG all around, and have gained alot of weight all around...your just cute!
I may have to go get a cream soda now....thanks! lol

Adrienne said...

i love the video. i was never able to paint my toenails when i was that far along. did you really do that?! being pregnant really is hard, but you are right.. so worth it. especially when you get to hold your baby and watch them grow. it's incredible and SO SO worth it. you are going to be a great mommy. i love your heart. thanks for sharing.

Kami said...

Jami, You are so adorable. Great job on the toenails! Are you sure you did them...? Can't wait to see you this weekend, and to hold that little squirmer soon! As always, your loving Madre!